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Showing posts from 2014

By request, the Burger King KURO(black) diamond.

After seeing the ad for this, a friend of mine out of country asked me to try this and report back. I have seen some pictures of the ad circulating around online and popping up on my facebook feed, so I thought I would take one for the team and satisfy everyone's curiosity. When I went up to the counter at bk, the first thing the lady recommended to me was to try one of these burgers. Looking around the store, I was interested to see if other people had ordered it, but a quick glance showed that only a couple customers had the black wrappings on their tables. This was the day after the KURO burgers went on sale, so maybe everyone who was really curious ordered it on the first day.

Sushi Mizutani (鮨水谷)

I went to Sushi Mizutani with a friend of mine last month (this post has been a long time coming). It was my first ever 3 Michelin star experience, and as it is rated as one of the best restaurants in the world (and perhaps the 2nd best Sushi place), I arrived at the restaurant full of anticipation for the meal to come. The short story is, it was the best Sushi I have ever had... for the long....long... story, read on.  I'll warn you now, it is a pretty long post.